So, What's Your Story?

By Tony Tiernan

Stories are the building blocks of meaning. They are more powerfully persuasive than facts and arguments alone. 

Noir Story.jpg

Your organizational brand represents the meaning in your business. The story it tells can help your organization connect with stakeholders and with society in a profound and compelling way. 

The rub is that the story has to be true. A false story will ultimately poison the story-teller.

Stories are how we share values and create a common identity. They are tools that help us understand the present and explore the possible future. Great leaders and great brands tell us stories that give us meaning. That’s why we follow them.

Stories invite people to identify with the tale, and move them to act, whereas data require only that we agree. Great stories motivate change.

If you want to be a great brand, tell us a great story, and make it true.